Hormonal Issues

Figuring Out Hormonal Issues Is Challenging. You Don't Have To Do It Alone.


Figuring Out Hormonal Issues Is Challenging. You Don't Have To Do It Alone.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

You've likely been tested for PCOS if you’ve ever struggled with infertility or hormone imbalances. Once you received the diagnosis, you were probably left with some pretty unanswered questions: “How did this happen? Is this a genetic condition? Is there anything I can do with my nutrition and lifestyle to support it?” Because it’s a “syndrome,” it’s not 100% certain what causes it. From our experience in supporting women with PCOS, it’s characterized by metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation. 

Once we’ve identified the root cause of your PCOS, we can begin to construct a plan that could include nutritional interventions, stress management support, and sleep hygiene tactics. In some instances, more thorough testing may be needed to help us identify the root cause. We care so much about the root cause so we can help you feel better.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

You've likely been tested for PCOS if you’ve ever struggled with infertility or hormone imbalances. Once you received the diagnosis, you were probably left with some pretty unanswered questions: “How did this happen? Is this a genetic condition? Is there anything I can do with my nutrition and lifestyle to support it?” Because it’s a “syndrome,” it’s not 100% certain what causes it. From our experience in supporting women with PCOS, it’s characterized by metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation. 

Once we’ve identified the root cause of your PCOS, we can begin to construct a plan that could include nutritional interventions, stress management support, and sleep hygiene tactics. In some instances, more thorough testing may be needed to help us identify the root cause. We care so much about the root cause so we can help you feel better.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

You've likely been tested for PCOS if you’ve ever struggled with infertility or hormone imbalances. Once you received the diagnosis, you were probably left with some pretty unanswered questions: “How did this happen? Is this a genetic condition? Is there anything I can do with my nutrition and lifestyle to support it?” Because it’s a “syndrome,” it’s not 100% certain what causes it. From our experience in supporting women with PCOS, it’s characterized by metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation. 

Once we’ve identified the root cause of your PCOS, we can begin to construct a plan that could include nutritional interventions, stress management support, and sleep hygiene tactics. In some instances, more thorough testing may be needed to help us identify the root cause. We care so much about the root cause so we can help you feel better.


If your thyroid labs look “normal” but you feel nothing but normal, you’re not crazy. If you’re taking thyroid hormone replacement, but still not feeling the way you thought you would, there is hope. If you feel like there’s no way you should be gaining weight based on how little you’re eating and how much you’re moving, we hear you. 

These are patterns we see quite often with our patients, resulting from several possibilities: 1) A more thorough thyroid workout/panel needs to be performed, 2) The root cause of your thyroid symptoms (fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, brain fog) isn’t coming from the thyroid gland itself, or 3) You’re not properly absorbing your thyroid medication, due to something happening within the gut. Using the fundamental pillars of nutrition, stress management, sleep hygiene, movement habits, and gut health, our goal is to have you and your thyroid functioning at peak levels!


If your thyroid labs look “normal” but you feel nothing but normal, you’re not crazy. If you’re taking thyroid hormone replacement, but still not feeling the way you thought you would, there is hope. If you feel like there’s no way you should be gaining weight based on how little you’re eating and how much you’re moving, we hear you. 

These are patterns we see quite often with our patients, resulting from several possibilities: 1) A more thorough thyroid workout/panel needs to be performed, 2) The root cause of your thyroid symptoms (fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, brain fog) isn’t coming from the thyroid gland itself, or 3) You’re not properly absorbing your thyroid medication, due to something happening within the gut. Using the fundamental pillars of nutrition, stress management, sleep hygiene, movement habits, and gut health, our goal is to have you and your thyroid functioning at peak levels!


If your thyroid labs look “normal” but you feel nothing but normal, you’re not crazy. If you’re taking thyroid hormone replacement, but still not feeling the way you thought you would, there is hope. If you feel like there’s no way you should be gaining weight based on how little you’re eating and how much you’re moving, we hear you. 

These are patterns we see quite often with our patients, resulting from several possibilities: 1) A more thorough thyroid workout/panel needs to be performed, 2) The root cause of your thyroid symptoms (fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, brain fog) isn’t coming from the thyroid gland itself, or 3) You’re not properly absorbing your thyroid medication, due to something happening within the gut. Using the fundamental pillars of nutrition, stress management, sleep hygiene, movement habits, and gut health, our goal is to have you and your thyroid functioning at peak levels!

Adrenal Dysfunction

“I’m so stressed and tired, I feel like my adrenal glands are shot.” You’ve likely felt unlistened to by your peers and other healthcare providers who shrug off these comments as “ah, you’ll get over it.” But chronic stress and cortisol dysregulation are very real conditions. Conditions that can vastly take away from your quality of life. 

Oftentimes, the problem isn’t with the adrenal gland itself, as it’s doing exactly what it’s told to do. Who told it to release so many stress hormones? The brain and our stress response system. Once we work upstream and identify what’s causing your brain to keep your stress response system turned on overdrive, we can begin to support your low energy, insomnia, and potential caffeine dependence. And once your body learns to manage its own stress, it’s amazing what we’re capable of! Without feeling reliant on adrenal supplements. 

Adrenal Dysfunction

“I’m so stressed and tired, I feel like my adrenal glands are shot.” You’ve likely felt unlistened to by your peers and other healthcare providers who shrug off these comments as “ah, you’ll get over it.” But chronic stress and cortisol dysregulation are very real conditions. Conditions that can vastly take away from your quality of life. 

Oftentimes, the problem isn’t with the adrenal gland itself, as it’s doing exactly what it’s told to do. Who told it to release so many stress hormones? The brain and our stress response system. Once we work upstream and identify what’s causing your brain to keep your stress response system turned on overdrive, we can begin to support your low energy, insomnia, and potential caffeine dependence. And once your body learns to manage its own stress, it’s amazing what we’re capable of! Without feeling reliant on adrenal supplements. 

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